embracing my life
Monday, June 11, 2012
Stormy Sunday Afternoon
All day today we have had our summer rain storms that pop up when cool sea air hits the hot air more inland .
We have been in a serious drought for two years so it is good to have our normal summer rains that usually happen in the afternoon.
I smell the hot pine scent from the slash pine trees behind my house and note the pond that is still down about 3 feet at least .
As storms approach, the winds really pick up and the trees bend and sway back and forth.It feels good on my damp skin.
I see the silver undersides of the leaves of other trees heralding the approach of the coming rains .
A male bluebird is on my roof , calling loudly , the other birds around flying for cover .
I smell the wet pavement mixed with cool air colliding with hot ... It is 90 degrees and very humid . The
roads are steaming from the last downpour . The temperature drops rapidly and I grab a light sweater.
When the thunder comes , I relish that! I taught Grady ( my best canine friend) to enjoy it too.
We watch from the relative safety of my patio or front porch and watch the storm and count the time between the lightening and thunder . I love it.
Wild mother nature at her best! The sky is a boiling mass of purple black/ greenish clouds skudding rapidly above me.
Maybe tornadoes could form but none , thankfully .
The rain is so hard , coming straight down like a curtain of water . My pond is filling up . < smile>
It's a good moment to be in !
Sunday, February 19, 2012
A big however
I should have noted that I lost my train of thought and would be back because I had a point and was going somewhere.
There was a big HOWEVER not written in my post " Finding your Joy"
Don't think I live in la la land and merrily breeze through life refusing to see the hurt and pain in the world . I know pain well and it lives with me each day as a reminder that I'm alive,and even though there are bumps in my journey I still feel blessed to be here.
Don't think I don't feel the pain in the world as people starve, kill, wage war , and rape the earth. It hurts me deeply to see and hear of animals and children terribly abused, and see dolphins beach themselves probably due to the environment we are bent on destroying. Sometimes it is too hard to bear and I could easily be overwhelmed by it, and swallowed by pain and negativity ,but I SEE and FEEL it .
I feel pain and sorrow for the person who looks for answers to life in a bottle of booze , or drugs. I hurt too ,when those I love and care about hurt.
My point was going to be that we all must do what we can even on a small scale , it matters.
A random act of kindness matters.
It all matters , and we each have a responsibility.
We must find joy in spite of all that threatens to tear us down,and make us despair ... It will render us useless and helpless TO DO anything, thinking it won't matter anyway.
To be rendered hopeless, selfish, joyless , is such a waste of life.
Living joyfully gives you strength to go on whether it be your own personal struggles or some of the reasons I mentioned earlier.
We are all responsible to give back and help in some way. Maybe your selfless actions will save a life ( like an organ donor)!
Maybe a simple act of kindness to a stranger will make them think and act likewise, like a ripple effect.
The reason I can remain hopeful and able to go on is because I find strength in feeling joy, and simple gratitude.
When I was very ill before my transplant, it was hard to resist despair when I felt so terrible.
Each evening before the sun went down but the sky was still pink, and blue and orange, I'd sit on the patio and watch it, and the birds in my feeders.
This gave me joy and I was thankful for that moment.
It gave me some respite and helped me to remain strong and positive. I never gave up hope.
Now that I am well, I still do this.
Finding my joy each day is what keeps me grounded, remembering my second chance at life as I strive to be the person I was meant to be.
THAT, I am still discovering.
There was a big HOWEVER not written in my post " Finding your Joy"
Don't think I live in la la land and merrily breeze through life refusing to see the hurt and pain in the world . I know pain well and it lives with me each day as a reminder that I'm alive,and even though there are bumps in my journey I still feel blessed to be here.
Don't think I don't feel the pain in the world as people starve, kill, wage war , and rape the earth. It hurts me deeply to see and hear of animals and children terribly abused, and see dolphins beach themselves probably due to the environment we are bent on destroying. Sometimes it is too hard to bear and I could easily be overwhelmed by it, and swallowed by pain and negativity ,but I SEE and FEEL it .
I feel pain and sorrow for the person who looks for answers to life in a bottle of booze , or drugs. I hurt too ,when those I love and care about hurt.
My point was going to be that we all must do what we can even on a small scale , it matters.
A random act of kindness matters.
It all matters , and we each have a responsibility.
We must find joy in spite of all that threatens to tear us down,and make us despair ... It will render us useless and helpless TO DO anything, thinking it won't matter anyway.
To be rendered hopeless, selfish, joyless , is such a waste of life.
Living joyfully gives you strength to go on whether it be your own personal struggles or some of the reasons I mentioned earlier.
We are all responsible to give back and help in some way. Maybe your selfless actions will save a life ( like an organ donor)!
Maybe a simple act of kindness to a stranger will make them think and act likewise, like a ripple effect.
Maybe kindness can be spread by example.
I HOPE so .The reason I can remain hopeful and able to go on is because I find strength in feeling joy, and simple gratitude.
When I was very ill before my transplant, it was hard to resist despair when I felt so terrible.
Each evening before the sun went down but the sky was still pink, and blue and orange, I'd sit on the patio and watch it, and the birds in my feeders.
This gave me joy and I was thankful for that moment.
It gave me some respite and helped me to remain strong and positive. I never gave up hope.
Now that I am well, I still do this.
Finding my joy each day is what keeps me grounded, remembering my second chance at life as I strive to be the person I was meant to be.
THAT, I am still discovering.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
The life of dogs... Maybe we can learn something
Somebody sent this ,condensed version attached regarding the lifespan of a dog
" are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?'' The Six-year-old said...
''Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.''
Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply.
Speak kindly.
Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.
Take naps.
Stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Be loyal.
Never pretend to be something you're not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.
I like it :) my dog is snuggled up to me now. :)
" are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?'' The Six-year-old said...
''Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.''
Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply.
Speak kindly.
Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.
Take naps.
Stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Be loyal.
Never pretend to be something you're not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.
I like it :) my dog is snuggled up to me now. :)
Finding your joy
joy Noun:
A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
A thing that causes joy.
delight - gladness - pleasure - mirth - rejoicing
In spite of all that is wrong In the world, that threatens to
Frighten us, make us despair the times we live in ,tear us down and break us Inside ,I choose to live each day JOYFULLY .
I Choose to see what is good ( no i am not blind to the bad)
* as I started to write this post my neighbor rang my door bell to show me the online news of a friend of mine who was involved in a fiery car crash early this AM . Vanessa managed to escape from the car but her friend , a young man of 24 died at the scene.
I lost my train of thought , but once again I am reminded of the fragility of life . Here one moment , and gone. I did not know him, but I pray his death came in an instant .
A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
A thing that causes joy.
delight - gladness - pleasure - mirth - rejoicing
In spite of all that is wrong In the world, that threatens to
Frighten us, make us despair the times we live in ,tear us down and break us Inside ,I choose to live each day JOYFULLY .
I Choose to see what is good ( no i am not blind to the bad)
* as I started to write this post my neighbor rang my door bell to show me the online news of a friend of mine who was involved in a fiery car crash early this AM . Vanessa managed to escape from the car but her friend , a young man of 24 died at the scene.
I lost my train of thought , but once again I am reminded of the fragility of life . Here one moment , and gone. I did not know him, but I pray his death came in an instant .
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Saturday, August 27, 2011
You never stop missing your Mother
My Mom died near 10 years now. Even though the acute pain of her loss has diminished with time, every year each major holiday , her birthday , my parents anniversary, I feel the emptiness of her simply not being here.
The simple day to day things she'd have enjoyed with me because she taught me to love and appreciate them. The birds in my garden feeding, the joy of my Monarch waystation, full of healthy caterpillars that just turned into little jade jewels. She would share my excitement at witnessing them emerge as butterflies . Last night very late I let the dog out and marveled at the stars peeping through clouds scudding across the sky due to the proximity of hurricane Irene. She taught to to take notice and appreciate these simple gifts of life.
Mum , I love you , miss you , and I can still feel how you felt when I hugged you.
I KNOW you were with me many times when I was so sick.
Now that I am well our "visits " are less.
I miss you , love you and I know I'll see you again...just not now.
I think you will be near as I celebrate my first solo show in a gallery . "who'da thunk it?"
you'd say with a smile:).
A smile that will be in my heart forever.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Releasing the fear of death
Remember being a little kid and first understanding the concept of death and the terror you felt about your parents dying or yourself? I found as I get older, that concern , and fear starts to diminish into just something you know will happen eventually but It's never that close.
Then one of your parents die...that really brings the reality of your own mortality into focus. When my Mum died it was strange I did not feel OLDER , I felt like a child again. An orphaned child. A sense of hurt and loss I had never imagined.Even now, ten years have passed since she died and thankfully the image in my mind is not how she looked the moment she died, but how she looked just minutes after. Beautiful! Pink, warm, soft, peaceful. The lines of struggle and pain now erased and although I was filled with my own grief and pain I thought how natural and beautiful the process was. My mother brought me into the world, and all of my sisters, my brother and my Dad , even my brother in law and niece and nephew were all there to see her out of this world.
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My mother Grace |
Two years later, I would begin my own journey right to the brink of my own death.
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