Saturday, August 27, 2011

You never stop missing your Mother


My Mom died near 10 years now. Even though the acute pain of her loss has diminished with time, every year each major holiday , her birthday , my parents anniversary, I feel the emptiness of her simply not being here.
The simple day to day things she'd have enjoyed with me because she taught me to love and appreciate them. The birds in my garden feeding, the joy of my Monarch waystation, full of healthy caterpillars that just turned into little jade jewels. She would share my excitement at witnessing them emerge as butterflies . Last night very late I let the dog out and marveled at the stars peeping through clouds scudding across the sky due to the proximity of hurricane Irene. She taught to to take notice and appreciate these simple gifts of life.
Mum , I love you , miss you , and I can still feel how you felt when I hugged you.
I KNOW you were with me many times when I was so sick.
Now that I am well our "visits " are less.
I miss you , love you and I know I'll see you again...just not now.
I think you will be near as I celebrate my first solo show in a gallery . "who'da thunk it?"
you'd say with a smile:).
A smile that will be in my heart forever.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM. We all love and miss you

  2. Funny...Mum comes to me in dreams often now. And unlike dreams with others who have passed, she speaks and seems alive..... miss me Mum, and for your B Day Ill give you a footrub!!!

  3. Your blog was reallly sweet Deb.

  4. Thanks Carolyn :)
    And Barb :)
    Glad u liked it:) keep reading:)

  5. Your Mom sounds like a very nice woman; someone who appreciated the beauty in this world. I would have liked to have met her, but I know something of her in what I know of you. There is no wonder why she seems alive to you; what she gave to this life lives on in you, and in her other children. She is part of you, and that is something very beautiful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about your Mum.

    Happy Birthday Deb's Mum!
