Sunday, February 12, 2012

Finding your joy

joy Noun:
A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
A thing that causes joy.
delight - gladness - pleasure - mirth - rejoicing

In spite of all that is wrong In the world, that threatens to
Frighten us, make us despair the times we live in ,tear us down and break us Inside ,I choose to live each day JOYFULLY .

I Choose to see what is good ( no i am not blind to the bad)

* as I started to write this post my neighbor rang my door bell to show me the online news of a friend of mine who was involved in a fiery car crash early this AM . Vanessa managed to escape from the car but her friend , a young man of 24 died at the scene.
I lost my train of thought , but once again I am reminded of the fragility of life . Here one moment , and gone. I did not know him, but I pray his death came in an instant .

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